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Drilling + Dowel insertion

Drilling and dowel insertion machines for flexible and accurate processing

From our single-sided to our through-feed machines, the various solution concepts for drilling and dowel driving operations ensure accurate and flexible workpiece processing. Our high-performance boring systems ensure repeated accuracy; focus on high-quality of drilling holes and precise positioning of dowels.
KOCH boring and inserting machines of the product category select.line can be equipped with additional working stations such as sawing or shaping units for more flexibility for your production processes.

The machines are ideal for the processing of:

  • Drawer components
  • Frame parts
  • Profiled rails
  • Furniture components
  • Upholstered sofas and recliners, frame components, chairs
  • Entrance doors
  • Small and narrow pieces
  • Cabinet components

SPRINT-PEANUT select.line

Drilling and PEANUT® insertion machine

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BD base/pro/select.line

Through-feed drilling and dowel insertion machine

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BD-Hybrid select.line

Through-feed drilling and dowel insertion machine – for highest flexibility and capacity

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BL base.line

Drilling machine for small and narrow parts with upscale basic equipment

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BL select.line

Drilling machine for small and narrow parts with enhanced equipment

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CENTRONIC pro.line

Batch size 1 production for 6-sided drilling

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SBD base/pro/select.line

Sawing, drilling and dowel insertion machine for thorough-feed processing

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SBFD select.line

Sawing, drilling, shaping and dowel insertion machine for through-feed processing of doors and furniture fronts

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SPRINT base.line

Single-sided drilling and dowel insertion machine

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SPRINT pro.line

Single-sided drilling and dowel insertion machine for batch size 1 production – enhanced equipment

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SPRINT select.line

Single-sided working center – with individual equipment for batch size 1 production

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SPRINT-FC select.line

Shaping machine for French Cut fronts for batch size 1 production

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SPRINT-Multi select.line

Sawing, drilling and dowel insertion machine for single-sided processing under 45°

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UNIDRILL base.line

Through-feed drilling machine for small and narrow parts

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UNIDRILL pro.line

Through-feed drilling machine for 6-sided drillings

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UNIDRILL select.line

Through-feed drilling machine for small and narrow parts with individual equipment

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UNIFLEX base.line

Drilling and dowel insertion machine with PTP function for processing small and cabinet parts

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UNIFLEX select.line

Through-feed drilling machine with PTP function and individual equipment

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WINDOOR base.line

Drilling and dowel insertion machine for processing windows and doors for batch size 1 production

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WINDOOR select.line

Drilling and dowel insertion machine for processing windows and doors with individual equipment for batch size 1 production

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